my goodness

[maɪ ˈɡʊdnəs]
  • 释义
  • 天啊;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Oh my goodness, that is big news.


  • 2、

    My goodness! You should have be more careful. Anywany Homer sometimes nods.

    天哪! 你应该小心才是. 不过,智者千虑,必有一失嘛.

  • 3、

    My goodness and my fortress. My high tower and deliverer.

    天主是我的堡垒, 我的高塔和解脱者.

  • 4、

    My goodness, he's jumped out of the frying pan into the fire!

    天哪! 他是才出虎穴,又入狼窝.

  • 5、

    Fanny: Oh, my goodness! That's her. Do you see her?

    芬妮: 哦, 我的天 啊 !就是她. 你有看到了 吗 ?

  • 6、

    B : My goodness! You should have been more careful. Anyway, Homer sometimes nods.

    天哪, 你应该小心才是. 不过, 智者千虑,必有一失嘛.

  • 7、

    Little Girl 1 : My goodness, what a HUGE radish!

    小女孩 1: 天啊! 看看这超级大萝卜!

  • 8、

    Such stamina, my goodness! 24 hours and still going strong.

    天哪,多么充沛的精力! 连续24个小时还能保持活力.

  • 9、

    My goodness, boy, if you dig much deeper you'll end up in China!

    上帝, 孩子你要是再挖深点,就要挖到中国了.

  • 10、

    My goodness the skies are thrifty these days and so I've heard is the American consumer.


  • 11、

    Today I attended Tina's oral defense . My goodness!

    今天我参加 王慧婷 的论文口试,天 呀 !

  • 12、

    So here you are at last, James. My goodness me, it has been a long time!

    你总算回来啦, 詹姆斯. 天哪, 你也去得太久了!

  • 13、

    My goodness, Tim, you have changed!


  • 14、

    My goodness, you're soaked through. Where's your car?


  • 15、

    My goodness, have you been expelled?

    我的天那, 你已被开除了 吗 ?

  • 16、

    Westerner: My goodness, a platinum necklace. Why such a valuable gift?

    西方人: 哇, 铂金项链, 为什么送给我这么贵重的礼品.

  • 17、

    Marty: Oh my goodness . It's a beautiful dress! What a surprise! Thank you so much Mum!

    马蒂: 哦,天啊! 是一条缥亮的新裙子! 真是出人意料 呀 !多谢妈妈!

  • 18、

    Oh, my goodness! What made her do that?

    我的天! 她怎么会那样干 呢 ?

  • 19、

    " My goodness, Huck, looky here! "

    “ 老天爷啊, 哈克, 你看这是什么? ”

    ——英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
  • 20、

    It'sounds so trite, so Norman Vincent Peale, but my goodness this works.

    这听起来是如此陈腐, 和诺曼.文森特.皮尔一样.

  • 21、

    My goodness, it's really expensive.

    好家伙, 这真贵呀!

  • 22、

    My goodness! And do you remember the fall.

    我的天! 你记得那次跌落的情形吗?

    ——超越目标英语 第4册
  • 23、

    Oh my goodness! The woman has a fox around her neck!

    我的天 啊 !那位女士的脖子上围了一只狐狸!

  • 24、

    Leah: Triplets! Oh my goodness. How did you feel?

    莉亚: 三胞胎! 啊,天呀! 你们当时有甚麽感受?

  • 25、

    My goodness, he's earned millions in his career.


  • 26、

    My goodness, what a surprise!

    我的天哪, 真想不到!

  • 27、

    A : Oh , my goodness! It is so hot outside!

    喔 !我的天 啊 !外面真是热死人了!

  • 28、

    My word! My goodness!

    我的天! 我的上帝!
